ALT Community

Our community is about training, diversity, working together and providing employment opportunities.

training opportunities

If you already have an existing program structure but would like to integrate one of our courses into your training, we’d be glad to do so. We can hold seminars and workshops segments based on our course material. Contact us for more details. We can customize our courses to your needs.

We are championing
diversity, equity and Inclusion.

Persons with disabilities often experience barriers to regular employment, that lowers their participation in the national workforce. We seek to be an agent for change as we connect employers with good people whose differences may just be visual.

Advanced Learning Tech.
Training Affiliate Program

Many young people are challenged to start their careers upon hearing “you have no experience”. Our community understands and can assist in helping you identify your goals. We may even opportunities for you as a trainer or instructor or other areas as they arise.


an instructor

We’re on the lookout for instructors! Become a part of our team of experienced instructors. Do you understand e-learning tools and are willing to follow our instructional delivery guide? Then we have a place for you! Be a part of helping your community.